Sehr geehrte Senatorinnen und Senatoren,
Liebe Mitglieder und Freunde des BWA,
gerne weisen wir auf die untenstehenden aktuellen Informationen und Nachrichten unseres österreichischen Partnerverbandes, der Austrian Asian African Association (AAAA), hin.
Besonders möchten wir Sie auf die internationale Konferenz „Art & Economic Forum“ der AAAA aufmerksam machen, die vom 04. bis 06. November 2021 in Salzburg unter der Schirmherrschaft des Oberbürgermeisters von Salzburg, Harald Preuner, und in Partnerschaft mit dem BWA stattfinden wird. Weitere prominente Hauptredner werden u.a. sein:
- Prof. Richard Trappl, Gründer des Konfuzius-Instituts in Österreich und Professor an der Universität Wien
- Michael Schumann, Vorstandsvorsitzender des BWA
- Mario Enzesberger, CEO der Liberty Tourism International Group
- Peter Werth, CEO der Wolftank-Adisa Holding AG
- Walter Junger, Gründer und Präsident der AAAA und Vizepräsident a.D. der The Ritz Carlton Group
Dear members and friends,
Finally all indicators are positive to have a proper exciting and successful 2nd half of 2021. Therefore, although we did not have any physical meetings in the time being, the AAAA team did not stop working to create our next exciting ventures.
In the past 9 months, the AAAA ambassador team, together with Art & Economic Forum advisors and the students from the College of Hospitality of the Tourism School of Klessheim, are working relentlessly on the very first AAAA Art & Economic Forum. (More details please check out from the presentation here)
In addition to their great work, we hope you can be part of our team to make this event as successful as possible. Not only am I looking forward to your attendance together with any business associates and friends, but as well we invite you to join the task force to generate sponsorship and ticket-sales. These two elements are vital to the success of the event, and to fulfill one of the main goals of our charter, our charity benefiting children in Austria, in Kenya, and in China.
We have various kinds of sponsorship packages to allow companies to engage with us in different levels, and gain different levels of publicity at the same time.
Kindly see below the attached presentations of the sponsorship packages available, and a preliminary contract template for your reference.
- Sponsorship package (in Englilsh)
- Sponsorship package (in German)
- Sponsorship contract sample (in English)
- Sponsorship contract sample (in German)
We are planning to start the ticket sales of this event latest by September, and hope that by then we will be successful in generating enough sponsorship in order to secure a financially viable start.
If you have any input or questions about the Art & Economic Forum, please contact me or Ingrid directly for further assistance.
Highly appreciated your kind support!
Until we meet again, live well, stay healthy!
Warmest greetings,
Walter Junger
President AAAA
Weitere Informationen zur inhaltlichen Ausrichtung, für potentielle Sponsoren sowie Möglichkeit zur Anmeldung zur internationalen Konferenz „Art & Economic Forum“ erhalten Sie hier. Bei Interesse an einer Mitwirkung sowie für Anregungen, Rückfragen und weitere Informationen können Sie sich jederzeit gerne an die Bundesgeschäftsstelle des BWA wenden.